Are you struggling to keep up with the demands of your life?
Are you chronically exhausted? Does your mind feels like ash, does everything seem heavy and are you struggling with gravity's downward pull? Are you neither able to work nor to rest, languishing in a grey zone in between?
You may be 'burning on' - and still be functioning at work, just so, dragging yourself in regardless of how shattered you are feeling inside. It may cost you an incredible amount of energy just to keep going, and you are worried that you can’t keep it up. You might have quietly quit a long time ago and are in inner exile, just counting down the minutes, hours, and days. Or your body might have said no and forced you to stop working altogether.
You are not alone
If this describes you, please know that you are not alone. And that change is possible. Exhaustion threatens the very core of our being. If we feel lacking in energy, strength and time, we switch into a zombie-like survival mode. Living in a state of chronic stress, we become ever more alienated from our emotions, desires, family and friends.
How coaching can help
We lose sight of what really matters to us and what makes us happy. We tend to run in reserve mode rather than at the level of our full potential. Because we feel we have no energy to spend, we cut ever more activities from our lives, including the ones that give us energy. This creates a vicious circle.
I can help you to drag yourself out of the wasteland of your exhaustion, take control of your life, regain your vitality, and reconnect with your purpose. Coaching seeks to empower you to reconnect with your own resources, needs, your creativity, and your problem-solving skills. Are you ready to take action?
I offer weekly, fortnightly or monthly 1-hour coaching sessions via Zoom.
I generally recommend a minimum of 5 sessions.

The type of coaching I do
I combine state-of-the-art and evidence-based coaching techniques (especially ACT (Acceptance and Commitment Therapy), proven to be particularly helpful with burnout, as well as co-active frameworks, with tried-and-tested ancient wisdom. My focus is on deepening your self-knowledge, as well as helping you clarify your values, preferences and character strengths, and identifying your core inner and outer stressors. I also integrate ancient Stoic techniques, with a focus on the circle of control, and the Eastern arts of letting go and cultivating present-moment awareness. For new is not always better. Sometimes, it is the ancient models that hold the key to our present-day exhaustion.
Using these mixed tools, old and new, I show you how to lessen the impact of your inner critics, how to let go of toxic self-stories and broader cultural narratives about work and time that do not serve us, and how you can reconnect with your true needs and longings.
For more on my hypnotherapy offering please click HERE. I hold a Diploma in Integrative Evidence-Based Clinical Hypnotherapy & Mind Body Health Practice (PDHyp/MBH) from the prestigious International College of Clinical Hypnosis Practitioners (ICCHP). I offer hypnotherapy in addition to my coaching and/or as part of the coaching. If you are interested in finding out more about hypnotherapy and how it can help you overcome your immunity to change, just get in touch. I am happy to tell you more about it and I won't turn you into a chicken.
One-Hour Coaching Session
A one-hour coaching session tailored to your needs.
Who benefits from coaching?
I work with clients from all walks of life, ranging from change agents who want to make the world a better place to high-powered CEOs, leaders of teams and organizations and to fellow writers, academics, researchers and creatives, lawyers and soldiers, founders and philosophers. I feel particular kinship with seekers of deeper self-knowledge, highly rational people, the overly humble and introverts who struggle with unproductive core-beliefs and negative self-talk.


Rugby Coach
Science Educator